All game configuration and options are set based on the original arcade cabinets controls and wiring. Not all games have support for a fully functional Free play option, this means you may need to coin up the game by use of the original coin inputs, be it by coin, or manually triggering the switches connected to coin mechanisms.
By default, the SmartyPi SE PCB and game adapters ship with wire link enabling game switching to take place by using your cabinets 'Service' button. If you require use of the 'Service' button to add credits to games, change the link position on the game adapter or SE PCB. An additional switch or button can be connected to the header connector on the SE PCB (labelled Control-SW) allowing game switch control.
Supported games for each adapter type is as follows:
Out Run / Turbo Out Run cabinets & Power Drift (with use of game adapter)
Hang-On / Super Hang-On & Racing Hero (with use of game adapter)
Space Harrier
Enduro Racer
After Burner & Thunder Blade